Why Meditate?

March 2023

When clients, family members, friends and colleagues ask me whether they should (first red flag!) meditate, I answer with another question, ‘What are you expecting to happen if you do?’ Typical answers relate to a decrease in symptomology, that is, a decrease in negative emotion.

For me, meditation is the first hour of every day, when I get to be no one, answer to no body and shut out the concentrated input of what the world expects me to be. I wake up each morning approaching the session with a readiness to change ME, to look forward, not back, to manifest dreams, not dwell in the past, to tap into higher frequencies, not spiral downwards, to experiment with what might be, not convince myself that there is no other way. And it is the BEST hour of my day. Every day. It fuels me forward. It cleanses my brain. It brings hope and above all else; alignment. Alignment of body, mind and spirit.

If you read my last blog, you’d know I’m also experimenting and changing a limiting belief.

It’s working. The quantum field is responding with opportunity, as I value myself and refuse to buy into the unconscious belief of lack and unworthiness that I attached to as a youngster. Side note, no one is to blame.

Dr Joe Dispenza’s work is my go to for now. Give it a try. What have you got to lose?


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