Connect? Disconnect?

April 2023

My work will take me abroad. There is a fire in me that knows I will travel, visit schools, provide a service, participate in local activities, present at conferences, empower school staff…and hike to beautiful places.

I shared this with my adult children.

And something happened I didn’t expect. When I shared my hopes and dreams, they were simultaneously released to dream big for themselves. Without warning, they grew closer, leant on each other, and connected.

When I work with clients, I ask, ‘To whom are you connected?’ This naturally infers from whom they are disconnected. Who is missing? Where is there opportunity? Let’s shine a torch on this. What might we uncover?

So, when you are connected, to whom are you disconnected?

When you make decisions, who is uncannily liberated?

When you do what’s right for you, how is the outcome interpreted by others? And how might you interpret their responses?

Lately, my mantra has been, ‘Everyone is doing the best they can.’

What do you think?

If you’re exploring doing what’s right for you, and you’d like a professional to nudge you along. Connect with me.


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