Teachers and Butterfly Hugs

March 2022

15 years ago, as a novice Professional Counsellor, while also teaching in a school, I burnt out. The incredulous debilitation of my physical body is still imprinted within me. I arrived at the end of the school year, almost unable to walk. And those of you who know me personally, know hiking kilometres is my thing. This was a reality check and stopped me in my tracks, pardon the pun.

Boundary setting is all about what you’re NOT doing.

I wasn’t prioritising my morning tea or lunch break. Something as simple as that. I worked through, hoping to respond to more emails, answer more phone calls, complete more client notes…so I had *less* to do. MYTHBUSTER #1. Without nutrition, time spent chatting with my colleagues (not about students by the way!), and time away from the confines of the classroom or my office, this insidiously consumed my wellbeing. Make a pact with yourself that breaks are for just that.

I wasn’t prioritising my exercise. My twice a week 6pm yoga class and hiking at the weekends was compromised, replaced by marking, programming and professional learning. MYTHBUSTER #2. Without a clear head, oxygen pumping around my body, stretching my spine and calming my mind, my fear response was on high alert. More cortisol equated to less sleep, as I ramped up the pressure…only self-inflicted by the way; teachers are quite the perfectionists.

I wasn’t being kind to myself and acknowledging what I had achieved. Each day presented endless To Do lists, that indeed, never ended. MYTHBUSTER #3. Teachers are harsh self-critics and perpetual learners. Awesome! The shadow side – the high jump bar perpetually gets higher and higher too.

Take many moments in each day to stop, literally, and review what you’ve accomplished. Butterfly Hugs calm the nervous system and instantly restore balance. The soft touch to one’s body incites self-compassion.

Reconnect with what brings pleasure. Art? Music? Dinner with loved ones? Make it a priority. Your mind, body, colleagues and students will thank you for it. Your state of wellbeing will trickle into their energy field.

Program in your protected space and guardrail it. Connect with me for a personalised approach.


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Dads, this one's for you